#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int intType;
float floatType;
double doubleType;
char charType;
// sizeof evaluates the size of a variable
printf("Size of int: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(intType));
printf("Size of float: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(floatType));
printf("Size of double: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(doubleType));
printf("Size of char: %zu byte\n", sizeof(charType));
return 0;
In this example, you will learn to evaluate the size of each variable using sizeof operator.
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following C programming topics:
- C Data Types
- C Variables, Constants and Literals
- C Input Output (I/O)
The sizeof(variable)operator computes the size of a variable. And, to print the result returned by sizeof, we use either %lu or %zu format specifier.
Program to Find the Size of Variables
Size of int: 4 bytes
Size of float: 4 bytes
Size of double: 8 bytes
Size of char: 1 byte
In this program, 4 variables intType, floatType, doubleType and charType are declared.
Then, the size of each variable is computed using the sizeof operator.
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